C-Tec CFP AlarmSense 2 Zone Two-Wire Fire Alarm Panel

C-Tec CFP AlarmSense 2 Zone Two-Wire Fire Alarm Panel

C-Tec CFP AlarmSense 2 Zone Two-Wire Fire Alarm Panel

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Part Number: CFP702-2

Brand: C-Tec

Datasheet: Download

Product Description

LPCB certified to EN54-2/4, C-Tec's CFP two-wire 2 zone AlarmSense fire panel is designed to work with Apollo's AlarmSense range of detectors, call points, sounders and visual indicators. Most conventional fire systems work with two pairs of wires per zone: one pair for detection devices, the other for alarm devices. By using different voltage bands for quiescent and alarm states, AlarmSense components can be connected to the same pair of supply wires. This reliable technology takes all of the complexity out of fire system design, leading to quicker, more flexible installation and around a 20-25% reduction in labour over a standard four wire system. The CFP702-2 includes two AlarmSense zones, four conventional sounder circuits, class change & alert inputs and on-board fire & fault relays. A wide range of engineering functions are also provided including selectable zone delays, coincidence and non-latching zone facilities.

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I have been using ISET UK for all my security products since 2018. My account manager keeps me up to date with all new products and any special offers they have.

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We were given a thorough step-by-step panel installation and set-up guide over the phone and explained how to update and optimize the system to personal needs – extremely great customer service and a dedicated account manager to have on board!

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ISET UK we’re extremely helpful in explaining the new panel, it’s features and additional products.

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