The importance of access control for your client’s business

The importance of access control for your client’s business

Number pad

Access control is a form of security which helps businesses to protect their people, their property, and their data by restricting who has access to it. It means that only authorised personnel can access the premises, equipment, and stock that you have on site, and allows you to track who has access to any particular area at a given time.

Making use of access control for your clients means that they can protect their business and the people they work with, ensuring that everything your client owns and everyone they are responsible for is kept as safe as possible at all times.

What is access control?

Access control can cover anything that stops unauthorised people from gaining access to a business, or certain parts of it. This is designed with safety and security in mind and comes in many different forms to provide as little difficulty possible for those who should have access, whilst bringing those who are unwanted to a very clear stop.

Access control can take many different forms, including door keypads, intercom systems, fingerprint readers, facial recognition tools, and proximity tags to name just a few of the potential measures.

These can easily be integrated into your client’s business to stop people from gaining entry, or to restrict who is able to enter certain parts of their business which might contain valuable goods, dangerous materials or sensitive data.

They also mean that it is possible for them to track who gained entry and at what time, so that if an incident does occur, your customer has a better idea of who was in the building at the time.

How does access control work?

It is possible to add access control to your client’s business at any time. Initially, you and your client should choose what type of access control system will work best with their business. This might be decided by the number of employees they have, the amount of visitors that they expect to have coming and going and what information they want it to use.

You should also take a look at the practicalities of each system – will their staff have access to key fobs or sensors at all times, do they need hands free access, is there a risk of access codes being shared or lost? These will all help your client to determine which form of access control they need and how it will work for their business.

Whichever method you choose, the system will find some way of recognising who it should give access to. This might be because they have entered a code correctly, swiped a card or fob or have had their face or fingerprint recognised by the system. It will then let them through the door, whether it is an internal or external one, and log the time and date that this was done. Anyone who is not authorised to enter the building will not be allowed in and will need to follow proper procedures through reception or leave entirely.

It is easy to think of access control as just being something that you put on the front door of a building, but it is important to remember that it can also be implemented on turnstiles, car park entrances, lifts, server rooms and warehouses.

What makes access control so important for businesses?

Access control is vital for almost every business as it helps to keep everything safe that is important to you, whether it is your equipment, your stock and of course, your employees themselves. Most businesses will have a steady flow of people during the day in addition to staff, including visitors, tradespeople, sales reps and officials as just a few examples. It is therefore important to make sure that your business knows exactly who is on the premises and that they have permission to be there.

Access Control and GDPR

You might not automatically think it, but GDPR is a factor when thinking about access control. As you may hold details of employees on your access control system, as well as their activities, you need to make sure that this data is stored in accordance with GDPR laws and is only shared when you ae legally required to do so. Access control also protects your own GDPR issues, as it means you can have greater protection over the data that you hold.

The benefits of access control

Access control makes life in your business safer and easier as it can mean that there is no need for keys that can be lost or stolen and gives you a more reliable and secure option for gaining entry to the business. It means that your staff are kept safe and that you can ensure no damage is done to your property and that thefts are reduced.

Many businesses also find that access control systems can save them money in the long term. When a new employee starts work, they simply need to have their faces or fingerprints scanned or be given the relevant codes, instead of having new keys cut. It also means that when an employee leaves, they can simply be deleted from the system, and you do not need to worry about getting keys back or changing locks.

There are practical benefits to access control systems, but there are a few indirect advantages too. Knowing that the site is as safe as it can be goes a long way to helping your staff feel safe. Those who feel safe at work are often more loyal and more productive. Knowing there is an access control system in place can also work as a good deterrent for those looking to cause trouble, as they already know that they will struggle to get in.

Access control should play a significant part in any security review of your site. There can be nothing more important than keeping your business and your employees safe, and an access control system is a very effective first line of defence when it comes to controlling who you let into your business and who you keep out.

Find the perfect access control solutions with ISET UK

At ISET UK we’re home to a wide range of access control product such as intercom & reader posts, fingerprint readers, exit devices and much, much more! Create an account with us today to start browsing.


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